FUT Hair Transplant Results – Day 5 After Surgery – Video Diary #11
21st August 2017

Episode 11 in our patient video diary of his hair transplant journey is a little shorter than normal. We get a quick update from our patient. He tells us how the swelling has now calmed down and he has finished his course of pain killers.
In the video he shows the top of his head and also shows us the stitches in the side of head. He says that he can feel the tightness of the scar still, but just a touch and nothing too drastic. Tomorrow he will be washing his hair properly for the first time and is a little bit nervous about doing so. But… he is really looking forward to cleaning the sides of his head where he has been applying the Vaseline.
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Previous & Future Video Diary Entries
- Watch the previous video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqDllqUq50o
- Read the previous blog post: Day 4 After Hair Transplant Surgery (Episode 10)
- Watch the next video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvg_EV3AjTs