Hair loss treatment for men

31st May 2024

David Anderson inspecting the back of a patient's head while discussing hair loss treatments

Hair loss is a prevalent issue that impacts many men, often starting as early as their twenties or thirties. At The Maitland Clinic, with firsthand, personal experience in hair loss, we understand that finding effective treatments are crucial to maintaining confidence and overall wellbeing. In this blog, we’ll explore a range of hair loss treatments for men, looking at the science behind these treatments and how to determine the best approach for your situation.

Hair loss in men

Male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia, is the most common form of hair loss in men. It’s typically characterised by a receding hairline and thinning on the crown, eventually leading to partial or complete baldness.

This condition is genetically determined. Testosterone, the male sex hormone, converts into a derivative called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT can influence hair loss. Some genes can result in excessive levels of DHT production, causing the growth stage of the hair follicle to become shorter, and the resting phase (telogen) to become longer. This results in a process called follicle miniaturisation, where the hair follicles shrink, leading to thinner hair and hair shedding.

Other types of hair loss men may experience include:

  • Alopecia areata: an autoimmune condition causing patchy loss.
  • Telogen effluvium: temporary hair loss often triggered by something like stress of medication.

A range of highly effective hair loss treatments for men exist, but the right treatment for each individual involves considering a wide range of factors such as the type of hair loss and the extent of loss, the availability of donor hairs (for a potential transplant), hair type and quality, lifestyle and management abilities, and overall hair expectations or goals.

Non-surgical hair loss treatments for men

In men experiencing the early stages of hair loss, the miniaturised hair follicles can remain alive for some years. If applied early enough, some non-surgical treatments can help to slow or even reverse the effects of hair loss, helping to effectively restore the hair and scalp.


A range of evidence-based hair loss medications have shown to be effective in improving hair loss in men:

  • Finasteride (oral or topical)
  • Minoxidil (oral or topical)
  • Combined topical minoxidil and finasteride
  • Dutasteride (oral or topical).

These medications have slight differences in how they target hair loss. An individual’s unique situation will help to determine which medication we might recommend. We ensure to take time to talk through the pros, potential side effects, and considerations for each medication so that each patient can make a fully informed choice for their treatment. We are also able to prescribe the medication.

Plasma-Rich Platelet treatment (PRP)

PRP treatment is an advanced hair loss treatment that uses the body’s own natural healing mechanisms to develop healthier hair follicles. A small sample of blood is drawn from the patient, which is then treated to concentrate the platelets. Platelets are an essential blood cell which release vital growth factors. This concentrated plasma is then injected back into the scalp of the patient, releasing additional growth factors to promote cell regeneration and increase the blood supply to the follicles. This helps to stimulate healthier hair, for instance, improved hair growth and a reduction in hair loss.

Laser therapy

Low-level laser therapy is an innovative treatment that helps to encourage hair growth. A device (Theradome) emits wavelengths of light into the scalp, which are absorbed by the surrounding cells. This stimulates cellular reactions within the scalp which lead to increased energy and blood flow to hair follicles, as well as reduced inflammation. Ultimately, these processes lead to healthier hair growth, including increase hair density and improved scalp condition in men.

Surgical hair loss treatments for men

We recommend surgical solutions for men in the later stages of hair loss. For instance, if hair follicles become dormant (inactive) and it’s not possible to regrow hair, more advanced surgical techniques are often required.

It’s important to note that we only recommend surgery when we are certain that it is the right choice for an individual. We offer a range of surgical techniques:

Follicular Unit Transplant technique (FUT)

  • A strip of skin is taken from a donor area, where hair is permanent. This is often the back or side of the head.
  • The hair follicles from the donor area are harvested (hair grafts).
  • Hair grafts are inserted into the recipient area.
  • The donor area is stitched together, leaving a minimal scar which is only visible with extremely short hair.

Follicular Unit Extraction technique (FUE)

  • Hair follicles are extracted directly from the donor area, rather than from a strip of skin. This process leaves tiny dot marks or scars, rather than a single linear scar where a strip has been removed.
  • These are then transplanted directly into the recipient area.
  • This usually involves shaving the hair to improve access and offer better hair density.

Hair loss treatment for men | Frequently asked questions

How do I know which hair loss treatment I should have? 

Our extensive consultation process at The Maitland Clinic helps to identify the right treatment option for you by:

  • conducting an in-depth scalp analysis using innovative video trichoscopy imaging techniques
  • referring to The Northwood Scale to identify your individual hair loss pattern
  • discussing your symptoms and hair history
  • identifying your treatment goals
  • talking through the pros and cons of various treatment options.

From here, we can outline a personalised treatment plan that helps to meet your needs and offer the best possible outcomes.

How much do hair loss treatments cost? 

We understand that cost is a big factor in hair loss treatments for men. The overall cost depends on which treatment you have. We will be able to give you an indication of total fees after a consultation.

Can I choose to have hair loss surgery? 

We always listen to each patient’s personal preferences when it comes to treatment. However, we only recommend hair loss surgery for people where we are certain that we can achieve optimal results in a safe way. We may strongly advise against surgery if we feel it may be ineffective or too risky for you.

Read more about who is a candidate for a hair transplant.

Hair loss treatment for men at The Maitland Clinic

With our extensive experience using advanced hair loss techniques, and our compassionate and personalised approach to treatment, we are dedicated to achieving the best possible hair outcomes for each and every patient.

To learn more about our various hair loss treatments for men, get in touch with our team by completing our enquiry form or calling us on 02392 706122.

Written by

Dr Edward Ball

Founder & Medical Director at The Maitland Clinic

A member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Dr Edward Maitland Ball has been at the forefront of bringing world-class surgical hair restoration techniques to the UK and is renowned for the naturalness of his transplanted hairlines.