Menopause and hair loss
21st March 2025

Menopause is a stage of life that marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years. It is caused by a change in hormones, which normally happens naturally through age, but it can also happen through medical treatments or surgical procedures.
Menopause can impact women in many ways, both emotionally and physically. It can also impact hair growth. Hair loss during menopause can be distressing and impact self-esteem. If you’re experiencing this, know that you’re not alone and there are things that can help hair loss during menopause.
In this blog, we’ll give an overview of why menopause causes hair loss, the treatments available, and how hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may help or hinder hair loss.
Does menopause cause hair loss?
Menopausal hair loss normally results from hormonal changes. During menopause, levels of oestrogen decline. This hormone usually plays a crucial role in lots of bodily functions, including maintaining a healthy hair growth cycle.
So when oestrogen decreases, hair growth slows and can lead to:
- thinning or shedding hair
- widening of the parting
- loss of volume
- changes in hair texture or growth pattern.
Menopause can lead to a range of other symptoms like hot flushes, mood changes and headaches. The NHS has more information about symptoms of menopause and where to find support.
There may also be other factors at play that influence hair loss at around the time of the menopause. For instance, genetic makeup, lifestyle and stress, nutritional deficiencies and other health issues can all contribute to hair loss at any time of life, including during the menopause.
Does HRT help hair loss?
HRT is a treatment that provides the body hormones like oestrogen and/or progesterone (female sex hormones), replacing what has naturally been lost during the menopause. This can help to improve symptoms of the menopause.
The relationship between HRT and hair loss is somewhat complex and varies between people. It can depend on the type, dose and form (tablet, patches, gel or spray) of HRT you are on.
By increasing hormones like oestrogen and progesterone, HRT can help to regulate the hair growth cycle and lead to hair growth. Some people take testosterone (another sex hormone) alongside HRT, which can also lead to hair growth.
So in some cases, HRT can help with hair loss. But this isn’t the case for everyone, and we need more research in this area to understand the link between HRT and hair growth.
Can HRT cause hair loss?
For some, HRT may cause hair loss. Some people find that synthetic forms of HRT (which have a chemical structure similar to but not exactly the same as body hormones) can contribute to hair loss.
Other types of HRT (including those that contain oestrogen or progesterone) may also lead to symptoms of hair loss in some people. HRT can imbalance bodily hormones, which may lead to hair thinning or loss. Often, adjusting the dose, form or type of HRT can help to rebalance the hormones and also provide relief from menopause-related symptoms.
Again, it’s crucial to remember that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to HRT and hair loss or growth. More research is needed and lots of individual factors play a role. Talk to your doctor if you’re experiencing hair loss after starting HRT or if HRT is affecting you. They can help to tailor your treatment to hopefully reduce side effects of HRT.
What helps hair loss during menopause?
If you’re experiencing hair loss during the menopause, as well as seeing your doctor to discuss treatments for menopause, consider talking to a hair loss specialist or trichologist. At The Maitland Clinic, we can help to recommend menopausal hair-loss treatments based on your individual hair loss pattern.
We may recommend treatments like:
- Topical minoxidil: helps to slow hair thinning.
- Low-level laser therapy: stimulates hair growth.
- Platelet-rich plasma: thickens hair and extends the growth phase of the hair cycle.
- HRT: replaces essential hair-growth hormones (like oestrogen and/or progesterone) that are lost during the menopause.
We can also offer advice on gentle haircare routines and nutrition and lifestyle factors to support hair health.
Alongside professional advice and treatment, some people find that complementary therapies can help to relieve symptoms of the menopause. But it’s important to remember that the effectiveness and safety of complementary treatments and products can vary. Make sure to research before trying alternative treatments. A healthcare professional will be able to support you with evidence-based support for symptoms of the menopause.
Seek support for menopausal hair loss
Hair loss during the menopause can be upsetting. But with the right approach – whether through HRT or other treatments – there are ways to help hair loss in menopause.
If menopause-related hair loss is worrying you, get in touch with our expert team here at The Maitland Clinic. We’ll help you explore your treatment options and find a tailored solution that works for you.